OpenAtlas shortcuts
OpenAtlas uses several shortcuts in order to simplify connections between entities that are continuously used in the same way. All shortcuts can be resolved in accordance with the:doc:CIDOC CRM<cidoc_crm> specifications and are valid links. These shortcuts are indicated by a preceding OA in combination with a number. Currently OpenAtlas uses 3 shortcuts:
OA7 - has relationship to
OA7 is used to link two instances of E39 - Actor E39 - Actor linked with E39 - Actor
Domain:E39 - Actor
Range: E39 - Actor

E39(Actor) - P11i(participated in) - E5(Event) - P11(had participant) - E39(Actor)
Example: [Stefan (E21)] participated in (P11i) [Relationship between Stefan and Joachim (E5)] had participant (P11 [Joachim (E21)]
The connecting event is defined by an entity of class E55: [Relationship between Stefan and Joachim (E5)] has type (P2) [Son to Father (E55)]
OA8 - appears for the first time in
OA8 is used to link the beginning of a persistent item’s (E77) life span (or time of usage) with a certain place, e.g to document a birthplace of a person.
E77 - Persistent Item linked with a E53 - Place.
Domain: E77 - Persistent Item
Range: E53 - Place

E77(Persistent Item) - P92i(was brought into existence by) - E63(Beginning of Existence) -
P7(took place at) - E53(Place)
Example: [Albert Einstein (E521 was brought into existence by (P92) [Birth of Albert Einstein (E567)] took place at (P7) [Ulm (E53)]
OA9 - appears for the last time in
OA9 is used to link the end of a persistent item’s (E77) life span (or time of usage) with a certain place (E53), e.g to document a person’s place of death. E77 - Persistent Item linked with a E53 - Place.
Domain: E77 - Persistent Item
Range: E53 - Place

E77(Persistent Item) - P93i(was taken out of existence by) - E64(End of Existence) -
P7(took place at) - E53(Place)
Example: [Albert Einstein (E21)] was taken out of existence by (P93i) [Death of Albert Einstein (E69)] took place at (P7) [Princeton (E53 - Place)]
Dates are stored in the table model.entity/ in the fields begin_from, begin_to, begin_comment, end_from, end_to, end_comment as timestamps. Depending on the class of the entity as well as the domain and range of the link, these dates can be mapped as CIDOC CRM E61 - Time Primitive.
E77 - Persistent Item
E77 Persistent Item begin linked with a E61 Time Primitive:
Domain: E77 - Persistent Item
Range: E61 - Time Primitive

E77(Persistent Item) - P92i(was brought into existence by) - E63(Beginning of Existence) -
P4(has time span) - E52(Time Span) - P81(ongoing throughout) - E61(Time Primitive)
Example: [Holy Lance (E22)] was brought into existence by P92i [forging of Holy Lance (E12)] has time span (P4) [Moment/Duration of Forging of Holy Lance (E52)] ongoing throughout (P81) [0770-12-24 (E61)]
E77 Persistent Item end linked with a E61 Time Primitive:
Domain: E77 - Persistent Item
Range: E61 - Time Primitive

E77(Persistent Item) - P93i(was taken out of existence by) - E64(End of Existence) -
P4(has time span) - E52(Time Span) - P81(ongoing throughout) - E61(Time Primitive)
Example: [The one ring (E22)] was destroyed by (P13) [Destruction of the one ring (E6)] has time span (P4) [Moment of throwing it into the lava (E52)] ongoing throughout (P81) [3019-03-25 (E61)]
E21 Person
E21 Person’s Birth linked with a E61 Time Primitive:
Domain: E21 - Person
Range: E61 - Time Primitive

E21(Person) - P98i(was born) by - E67(Birth) - P4(has time span) - E52(Time Span) -
P81(ongoing throughout) - E61(Time Primitive)
Example: [Stefan(E21)] was born (P98i) [birth of Stefan (E67)] has time span (P4) [Moment/Duration of Stefan’s birth (E52)] ongoing throughout (P81) [1981-11-23 (E61)]
E21 Person’s Death linked with a E61 Time Primitive:
Domain: E21 - Person
Range: E61 - Time Primitive

E21(Person) - P100i(died in) - E69(Death) - P4(has time span) - E52(Time Span) -
P81(ongoing throughout) - E61(Time Primitive)
Example: [Lady Diana (E21)] died in (P100i) [death of Diana (E69)] has time span (P4) [Moment/Duration of Diana’s death (E52)] ongoing throughout (P81) [1997-08-31 (E61)]
E2 Temporal Entity
E2 Temporal Entity (also property) begin linked with a E61 Time Primitive:
Domain: E2 - Temporal Entity
Range: E61 - Time Primitive

E2(Temporal Entity) - P4(has time span) - E52(Time Span) - P81(ongoing throughout) -
E61(Time Primitive)
Example: [Thirty Years’ War (E7)] has time span P4 [Moment/Duration of Beginning of Thirty Years’ War (E61)] ongoing throughout (P81) [1618-05-23 (E61<e61-time-primitive>)]
E2 temporal entity (also property) end linked with a E61 Time Primitive:
Domain: E2 - Temporal Entity
Range: E61 - Time Primitive<e61-time-primitive>

E2(temporal entity) - P4(has time span) - E52(Time Span) - P81(ongoing throughout) -
E61(Time Primitive)
Example: [Thirty Years’ War (E7)] has time span (P4) [Moment/Duration of End of Thirty Years’ War (E52)] ongoing throughout (P81) [1648-10-24 (E61)]
Radiocarbon dating type
To track radiocarbon dating, OpenAtlas links a stratigraphic unit (E18) to a type (E55) based on CIDOC CRM classes and properties:
Domain: Stratigraphic Unit as E18 - Physical thing Range: E55 - Type
E18 (Stratigraphic Unit) - P2 (has type) - E55 (Type)
This specific type is named radiocarbon dating and is only used for this purpose. At the same time, the property (P2) has a description linked to it via:
P2 (has type) - P3 (has note) - E62 (String)
P2 (has type) - P43 (has dimension) - E54 (Dimension)